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This website is for general information only. No information, forward looking statements, or estimations presented herein represent any final determination on investment performance. While the information presented in this website has been researched and is thought to be reasonable and accurate, any real estate investment is speculative in nature. Nothing in Rock City Consulting’s statements to you shall be construed as a promise or guarantee concerning any aspect of your acquisition, ownership, operation, exchange, sale, or condition of the Properties or your non-real estate investment portfolio including, without limitation, the likelihood that the Properties will be profitable or achieve any of your financial or tax objectives, the suitability of any real property for acquisition, exchange, financing, or sale by you, the likelihood that any real estate parcel or real estate market will appreciate, or the length of time that it will take to identify and acquire, or sell a parcel of real estate. All statements made by Rock City Consulting are expressions of opinion only. Rock City Consulting relies on information obtained from and based upon sources Rock City Consulting believes to be reliable, but Rock City Consulting does not guarantee its accuracy.
Investors are required to conduct their own investigations, analysis, due diligence, draw their own conclusions, and make their own decisions. Any areas concerning taxes or specific legal or technical questions should be referred to lawyers, accountants, consultants, brokers, or other professionals licensed, qualified or authorized to render such advice.
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